Preparing Your Home for Hurricane Season

Unfortunately, Florida is no stranger to the hurricanes and the damage they can bring to our communities. While we can’t prevent hurricanes from happening, we can protect our homes and our families against them.

As you start preparing your home for hurricane season, make sure you take these precautions.

Buy Flood Insurance

If you live in an area that floods easily, you should invest in flood insurance. Not all regular home insurance policies cover flood damage, so proper flood insurance can help ensure you can make any repairs necessary after a storm.

Elevate Your HVAC System & Water Heater

Talk to your HVAC tech and plumber about placing your HVAC system and water heater higher up in your home to protect them from flood waters. This way, if your area floods, you won’t have to worry about replacing a major home comfort system.

Raise Your Electrical Panel

While most electrical panels are typically already higher up, if yours is only a couple of feet above the ground, consider having an electrician raise it since water and electricity don’t mix well.

Install Check Valves

Flood water can easily back up into your home’s plumbing system, which can damage your pipes and bring a load of bacteria into your home. Installing a check valve in your main sewer line can keep your home safe from that backflow.

Board Up Your Windows

If a hurricane is headed your way, nail plywood over the outside of your windows. High winds can blow your windows in and spray glass through your home, so placing plywood over them can help prevent them from breaking.

Clear Your Lawn

All those lounge chairs, bird feeders, and pool toys will go flying during a hurricane, so gather everything and secure them in your garage or shed.

Invest in a Standby Generator

When storm winds hit and the power gets knocked out, you’ll be able to rest assured that your home will still have electricity, keeping your appliances on, your kids calm, and your family safe.

At Ace Solves It All, we offer all generator services, from the installation of new standby generators to regular maintenance and emergency repairs. Keep your home and family safe this hurricane season, and give us a call at (407) 499-8006.

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